Navigate to Reports then select the Manage button.
How to print Reports
- Select the Report Title: Costs, Reconciliations, Leave, Payments, Allowance/Deductions, Super, PAYG or Others
- Select from the filters list below conditions of the report.
- You can either Print or export in excel format
Date Filter
- Financial Year: Select the Financial Year
- Period Type: Select Week, Fortnight, month or All FY
- From/To: Select pay periods required
Employee Filter
- Employees Sorting: Select to sort by Surname Name Id Ascending ASC or Descending
- Employees (empty all): To print multiple employees enter one or more employee names or numbers and select from table
- Employees ID: Select a start and finish ID # to print a single or a range of employees numerically
- Locations: Type a location name to select a single location, multiples can be selected
- Pay Rates (empty all): Type a rate number or name to select employees by pay rate, multiples can be selected
- Employment Type: Select from the drop-down menu; Full time / Part time / Casual
- Employees Birth Date: Search by employee birth date
- Employees End Date: Search by employee termination date
- Including Terminated: Untick if you wish to exclude terminated employees from the selected report.
- View Details: Controls the amount of additional information that is included in the report.
- Print Report: Displays a new page of the report selected
- Export Report: Exports the report in excel format
- Reset All: Resets back to default selections.
- Hours Paid By Location: Prints hours worked for each pay category by location for each employee
- Hours Paid By Employee:Prints hours worked for each pay category by employee
- Employee Type / Location Cost Analysis: Prints each employee with their location breakdown (Set View details to Yes for this report)
- Location Cost Analysis: Details costs for each Location as well as a comparison Graph
- Employee Cost Analysis: Details each Location with the employee details
- Daily Cost Analysis: Details costs for each Location by day (weekly only) There are a couple of different buttons in this report filter; Include earnings, Include Allowances, Include Super, Include Leave Taken
- Wage Reconciliations by employee: Details each employee and their wage for the period selected
- Wage Reconciliations by employee with OTE: This includes an additional column (OTE) which is the value of ordinary time earnings that super is calculated on
- Leave by Employee: Prints each employee with a breakdown of leave entitlements
- Leave by Location: Prints each employee split by location with a breakdown of leave entitlements, this will be based on what is allocated on the employee details, locations screen.
- Leave History: This report prints in hours – leave taken, accrued and a balance of each leave type.
Filters for Leave reports include an additional field to select when to show LSL accrual from.
- Direct Bank: Prints each employee with their selected bank accounts and the net amounts going to each account
- Other Payments: Lists employees that have been set up for either Cash or Cheque payments
- Allowances / Deductions: Prints each employee for all or selected Allowances and Deductions for the period specified
- YTD Allowances / Deductions: Details all or selected Allowances and Deductions with the Current YTD totals
Super: Details all Employees Super Payments including any Voluntary or Salary sacrificed amounts
- PAYG Summary: Prints a PAYG Summary for each employee
- PAYG Total: Prints total of for each employees PAYG summaries for reconciliation purposes
- PAYG ETP: Prints Employees ETP Summary for any employees that have received an ETP payment
- Bundy Card Labels: Prints employee name, number and pay week date. (The label dimensions are 33 per page at 64mm x 24.3mm, Avery code L7157)
Additional Filters – Select pay period date to be printed
- Employee Locations Listing: Lists all Employees with their default Locations and percentages