This is a quick guide to following the steps of processing of a Payrun


Navigate to Payrun / Manage.

  1. Select the employee and enter their time entries or a manual add for those not on a roster.
  2. Finalise each employee when details are entered correctly.


Navigate to Reports / Manage 

  1. Check the Payments / Direct Bank, Costs and Reconciliations Reports are correct and that there are no discrepancies.

Navigate to Payrun / Payslips.

  1. Select the appropriate date to be sent.
  2. Select all employees by ticking the box in the header row or individually by ticking box next to the required employee.
  3. Select Done

Navigate to Payslips / Email Sender

  1. Select the appropriate date to be sent.
  2. Select all employees by ticking the box in the header row or individually by ticking box next to the required employee.
  3. Press Start and the status bar will then proceed to 100%.


Navigate to Reports / Exports / ABA

  1. Select the appropriate date to be sent.
  2. Select all employees by ticking the box in the header row or individually by ticking box next to the required employee.
  3. Select the button Create ABA File and Mark As Paid 
  4. Save this file to your PC.


Navigate to Payrun / Single Touch Payroll


  1. Select QUEUE STP
  2. Select the Arrow in the queued line to send.


The Payrun is now processed.

The ABA file can now be sent to your financial institution.