Roster Day Sheet

  1. Click on Report / Roster / Roster Day Sheet
  2. Select the sites from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select workgroup from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Locations from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select the Employee Sorting
  6. Select Employees ID
  7. Select Employment Type
  8. Select Period
  9. Select Print Report.


Roster Week Sheet

  1. Click on Report / Roster / Roster Week Sheet
  2. Select the sites from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select workgroup from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Locations from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select the Employee Sorting
  6. Select Employees ID
  7. Select Employment Type
  8. Select From / To
  9. Select Print Report.


Rosters Clock In Out Comparison

  1. Click on Report / Roster / Roster Clock In Out Comparison
  2. Select the sites from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select workgroup from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Locations from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select the Employee Sorting
  6. Select Employees ID
  7. Select Employment Type
  8. Select Period
  9. Select 15 or 30 minutes.
  10. Select Print Report.


 Variation filter in Roster Clock In Out Comparison.

Variation filter to “Roster Clock In Out Comparison” report which allows you to choose to show either 15- or 30-minute variations.

  1. Click on Report / Attendance / Roster Clock In Out Comparison
  2. Select the sites from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select workgroup from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Locations from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select Employees or Employee ID
  6. Select Employment Type or all
  7. Select Period
  8. Select the Highlight Variation to Roster 15 or 30 minute
  9. Select the drop-down menu on Open Report. From there you can download Print.


Export Reports.

  1. Select Report / Roster
  2. Select Roster Day Sheet / Roster Week Sheet or Roster Week By Location
  3. Select the sites from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select workgroup from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select Locations from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select Employee Sorting
  7. Select Employees or ID from / to
  8. Select Employment Type e.g. All/ Full Time /Part Time or Casual
  9. Select Period
  10. Select the drop-down menu on Open Report. From there you can download a. Pdf or Export to Excel.


Exporting Attendance Report.

  1. Select Report / Roster
  2. Select Roster Day Sheet / Roster Week Sheet or Roster Week By Location
  3. Select the sites from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select workgroup from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select Locations from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select Employee Sorting
  7. Select Employees or ID from / to
  8. Select Employment Type e.g. All/ Full Time /Part Time or Casual
  9. Select Period
  10. Select the drop-down menu on Open Report. From there you can download a. Pdf or Export to Excel.xlsx


Variation filter in Roster Clock In Out Comparison.

Variation filter to “Roster Clock In Out Comparison” report which allows you to choose to show either 15- or 30-minute variations.

  1. Click on Report / Attendance / Roster Clock In Out Comparison
  2. Select the sites from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select workgroup from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Locations from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select Employees or Employee ID
  6. Select Employment Type or all
  7. Select Period
  8. Select the Highlight Variation to Roster 15 or 30 minute
  9. Select the drop-down menu on Open Report. From there you can download a. Pdf or Export to Excel. Xlsx