STP 2 Setup Checklist

The checklist below will guide you through with the tasks required to get KINGpay setup for STP2.  Please read each of the points as there are some changes that affect payments to employees in certain circumstances.

We also recommend watching these Webinars using the links below as they contain valuable information provided by ATO to assist with understanding the changes we have had to implement.  You may also need to consult with your company accountant for clarification on treatment of some allowances and deductions, as not all allowances are reportable allowances under the new headings.





Steps Notes

☐ Company Settings –  review the Allowance Type for each of your companies Allowances.  (Items in red are managed by KINGpay so do not need modifying) We have added a cheat sheet at the bottom of this checklist for common Allowance & Deduction settings

Refer to the ATO guide for employers for clarification on how to treat Allowances.  Watch the webinar for more clarification.

Webinar Allowance Principals

STP Phase 2 reporting – Quick reference guide | Australian Taxation Office (

☐  Income Type – If you employ Working Holiday Makers, you will need to update this field

This is a new field under the employee menu in the “Details” section.  Select Working Holiday Maker here.

☐  Country Code

Select the WHM’s county as per their Tax Declaration form.

☐  Tax Treatment

New Field in the “Tax” section under employees.  Select the correct setting here for WHM, No TFN, Seniors & Pensioners, Foreign Resident, etc.

Child Support Deductions

The type of CSD now must be reported.  Confirm and update which type for any employees with CSD.

You must use one of the system deductions (highlighted in red) not one that you have created previously.

Superannuation (Additional)

For employees that have a higher rate of super paid as part of their agreement/contract please contact us at KSC to confirm the correct method of paying and reporting this value.

Annual Leave Loading

There are new AL Loading Categories which replace the original Leave Loading which has been disabled.  AL loading Taken and AL Loading Cashout are enable by default.

**For employees that are not entitled to receive loading on Annual Leave please go to employee award, select earnings, you should see both new categories listed.  Open each and disable them.