All Leave types can be entered in either Time Entry or Manual Entry. You can opt for them to be included automatically Auto Add in the Manual entry selection or to add the pay category when applicable.
In Time Entry you can select the type of leave taken from the “Work Type” drop down Menu.
Annual Leave
Time Entry: Part Days can be entered in the Time Entry selection by splitting the day into time worked and Annual leave, no times are required just enter the total time to be paid in the total column at the end of the row and select Annual Leave for the work type.
Full days as above
Manual Entry: – Add the Pay Category for A/L and enter the number of hours to be paid in the units field. If you have previously set it up to be automatically included the pay category will already be visible.
Leave in Advance – Annual Leave can also be paid as Leave in Advance, this would be used if you are paying for multiple weeks at once rather than week to week. The normal Leave accruals will be calculated for the weeks paid in advance.
Cash Out – Leave can be cashed out as per Fair work rulings. This is paid via the Cash out button before finalising the payrun for the period. The system will tax the whole payment including the normal pay period as one earning. There will also be no Leave accruals calculated on the cashed out Leave.
Annual Leave Loading – Leave Loading will be automatically added on the summary screen and is based on the normal 17.5% calculation. If the employee is not entitled to A/L Loading this should be disabled in the employee award. See EMPLOYEE AWARD
Personal/Carers Leave
Time Entry: Part Days can be entered in the Time Entry selection by splitting the day into time worked and personal/carers leave, no times are required just enter the total time to be paid in the total column at the end of the row and select Personal Carers Leave for the work type.
Full days as above
Manual Entry: – Add the Pay Category for P/L and enter the number of hours to be paid in the units field. If you have previously set it up to be automatically included the pay category will already be visible.
Long Service Leave
Time Entry: No times are required just enter the total time to be paid in the total column at the end of the row and select the work type LSL
Generally though you would only pay whole weeks long service leave not individual days so Manual Entry would be a better way to enter LSL Taken.
Manual Entry: – Add the Pay Category for LSL and enter the number of hours to be paid in the units field. If you have previously set it up to be automatically included the pay category will already be visible.
Paid Parental Leave
Manual Entry: – Add the Pay Category for PPL and enter 38 in the units field. The system has a precalculated hourly rate based on 38 hours and should be paid in full weekly amounts. Tax will be calculated accordingly but no super will be paid and Leave accruals will not be calculated. If you have previously set it up to be automatically included the pay category will already be visible.
Time in Lieu Taken
Time Entry: Enter the times worked for the day and change the work type to Time in Lieu Taken.
Manual Entry: – Add the Pay Category for Time in Lieu Taken and enter the number of hours to be paid in the units field. If you have previously set it up to be automatically included the pay category will already be visible.
ARDO Taken
Time Entry: Enter the times worked for the day and change the work type to ARDO Taken.
Manual Entry: – Add the Pay Category for ARDO Taken and enter the number of hours to be paid in the units field. If you have previously set it up to be automatically included the pay category will already be visible.