Navigate to Employees.
A list of your current employees is displayed in the section on the left. From this page you can add and edit any employee.
There is also a show/hide button to view your terminated employees. By selecting the Terminated Button the employees terminated in prior financial years will populate in the employee list.
Adding an Employee
- Select the Add Button
The New Employee form will appear with the headings Personal Details, Address, Contact, Pay Settings, Locations, Tax Settings and the Confirmation.
Please make sure you have all the employees details prior to starting the addition as it cannot be partially saved. If you do not have all details you may have to delay paying the employee.
Use the button to move on to the next tab making sure to enter all fields marked with an asterix.
Personal Details
- External ID: Enter your Employees ID number (If using an external Rostering system match the ID numbers)
- Title: Salutation
- First name: * Employees Christian Name
- Last name: * Employees Surname
- Middle name:
- Preferred name: If you have employee nicknames or aliases enter it here
- Gender: * Male or Female
- Birthdate: * Employees Birthdate
Select Next.
- Email: *
- Address 1: *
- Address 2:
- Town:
- State: This is best selected from the dropdown list
- Postcode
- Postal Address: (if you require a postal address click “Add” and additional fields for postal address will be displayed
Select Next.
Contact Details
- Mobile phone:
- Home phone:
- Work phone:
- Emergency Contact name:
- Emergency Contact number:
Select Next.
Pay Settings
Drop down menus are set up to select information.
- Start Date: * Enter the date of the employees first working day
- Award: * Select the Award from the drop down menu
- Employment Type: Select Full Time / Part Time or Casual from the drop down menu
- Rate Types: Custom or Award (choose which rate type you will select from, these have been previously setup in company settings)
- Pay Rate: Select the relevant payrate for the employee from the list
- Pay Rate (override): Only use this if an employee is being paid above an award rate
- Gross Salary: If you wish the system to calculate an hourly rate from a Gross Salary enter it here and the system automatically populates the Pay Rate (Override) – Calculations will be made using the 38hr rule.
- Pay Frequency: Select correct pay cycle for the employee – Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly
- Superannuation:* Choose the employees chosen fund. (You also have the option to add new Superfund if the employees chosen fund has not been previously added)
- Account Number:* Employees superfund Member number
Adding New Company Superannuation
+ Add New
- Name:* Superannuation Name
- USI code:* Unique Spin Identifier code
- ABN:* Superannuation company’s ABN
Pay Method
- Pay method: Select Bank / Cash or Cheque
Bank Details
- Name: Enter the employees Account Name
- Description: Eg. Company Name, Wages etc
- BSB: * Bank Branch Number
- Account Number: * Employees Account Number
- Flag Indicator: Select from the drop down menu (generally NONE)
Select Next.
Locations are set up in Company Settings prior to adding Employees.
- Select a location from the menu drop down list.
Adding Multiple Locations
- Edit the percentage in the first Location
- Select the +Add button
- Select a location from the menu drop down list.
- Enter a percentage. (Total must equal 100%, if not add another or adjust %’s to suit)
Tax Settings
- Tax File number:* Employees Tax File Number (see notes below for additional information)
- TFN Exemption: Check this field if employee has an exemption
- Australian resident for tax purposes: Uncheck if employee is a non resident
- Claim tax free threshold: Check this field if your employee is claiming the tax free threshold. Note that there are two sections that need to be selected (see Image above).
- Medicare levy exemption code: Choose relevant option
- Has accumulated HELP debt: If your employee has indicated check this box to include extra tax amounts
- Student Financial Supplement Scheme: If your employee has indicated check this box to include extra tax amounts
**Additional info re-TFN’s
Select Next
If all values are correct then select Insert Employee. Select Back to make any changes or check you entries.