Navigate to Company details then select the Superannuation button.

A list of existing super funds appears in the Super Funds Column.

Edit Superfund

  1. Click on the Superfund in the Superfunds Column.
  2. Details will appear in the center column
  3. Change or Add details in the Fields as required.
  4. Select


Adding a New Superfund

  1. Click +Add button and the new superfund information is ready to insert into the respective fields.
  2. Name*: Add the name of the Superfund
  3. USI*: Add the Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) number of the Superfund
  4. ABN*: Add the Australian Business Number (ABN) of the Superfund
  5. Hide on selection: This field will allow you to hide a super fund from the list if it is no longer in use.  There is a show hide button which will toggle the display to show current or hidden funds.
  6. Select


When a Superannuation Fund is highlighted Employees that have been linked to that fund will be listed in the Employees column.