Navigate to Company details then select the Superannuation button.
A list of existing super funds appears in the Super Funds Column.
Edit Superfund
- Click on the Superfund in the Superfunds Column.
- Details will appear in the center column
- Change or Add details in the Fields as required.
- Select
Adding a New Superfund
- Click +Add button and the new superfund information is ready to insert into the respective fields.
- Name*: Add the name of the Superfund
- USI*: Add the Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) number of the Superfund
- ABN*: Add the Australian Business Number (ABN) of the Superfund
- Hide on selection: This field will allow you to hide a super fund from the list if it is no longer in use. There is a show hide button which will toggle the display to show current or hidden funds.
- Select
When a Superannuation Fund is highlighted Employees that have been linked to that fund will be listed in the Employees column.